Hey all-
Well I finally started work on my carpc. So why not have a contest for it! I'm no skin engineer so thats why I'm having this. Your objective:
Make me a nice, clean skin for xlobby that will be the frontend for my carpc! Must be 16:9 for my touchscreen (yes, 16x9) and a resonable resolution, since the touchscreen goes up to 1600x1200. Needs to have buttons for the following section:
and a button for the screensaver (I'de like it to be the ford bronco horse logo, hidden somewhere on the menu)
Thats all I can think of right now.
Well most importantly you get to have you skin featured in my carpc! hah But after that I'll send you a case (yes you read right) a case of beer of your liking! (Prizes may change with some subjestions!)
Thanks alot! Good luck yalls!!!