Define specific zones to fat clients and other...

Got an idea, post it here

Define specific zones to fat clients and other...

Postby Marbles_00 on Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:21 pm

Is it possible to lock specific fat clients to specific zones. Please see my post here:

Basically as a fat client connects, it takes the next available zone. Is it possible to set a client to always load to a specific zone. Likewise, is it possible to do this for any zone that falls outside of the norm.

Since I'm using the KX drivers, I've set up a "PartyZone" on kx outputs 0/1. I was hoping to define that zone location to zone 9. Now my zone setup is this:
Zone 1: Livingroom
Zone 2: Familyroom
Zone 3: Backyard
Zone 4: Bathroom
Zone 5: Garage
Zone 6: Masterbedroom (fat client)
Zone 7: Bedroom 2 (fat client)
Zone 8: Bedroom 3 (fat client)
Zone 9: Partyzone

But if Zones 6, 7 and 8 aren't used, then the Party zone defaults to zone 6 (and my events then get all screwed up). Likewise, if I start a fat client in Bedroom 2 and I haven't started one in the Masterbedroom, then zone 6 will be defined for the wrong room.

Hopefully it is not a difficult fix or feature to add.
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