I would like to change the color of my text. Where can I find the hex codes for colors?
I like XLobby the best, except I like the way myHTPC handles my mp3 files (using tags to sort individual songs).
Regarding the music module, it would be nice if it could sort all individual songs (regardless of what folder they are in) by genre, artist, title, and/or album. For example, I would like be able to play all songs by a given artist, even if they are from different genres or folders.
I don't want to sound dissatisfied with XLobby. On the contrary, it has already exceeded my expatations. And it sounds like it will only get better.
stevenhanna6 wrote:that should work in the latest alpha39....there are small white arrows....and a word that says "normal"....click those arrows to filter by artist/genre/year....and then hit playall....you could for example play all the mp3s from 1983....or all your U2 mp3s.