From DvdProfiler To Ant (AMC)

title says it all

From DvdProfiler To Ant (AMC)

Postby lar282 on Thu May 24, 2007 5:28 pm

So, I decided to move away from dvdprofiler to AMC. I had a database of 200 dvd's so I didn't wanna start from scratch again. Everything went ok and here's what I did.

u need:
Xant 2.1 plugin ... t.v2.1.exe


Export cvs format of your dvdprofiler database

what I did
* export my dvdprofiler database in CVS format
* Copied Xlobby to a safe place
* install AMC
* Import in amc in cvs format and specified what fields I wanted from my dvdprofiler backaup. note pictures did not come to the amc database
* Save new database and choose to pick info from internet. I only checked pictures and I chose IMDB script.there is a option to pick the first movie do its totally automatic. MAKE sure u save pictures in FOLDER and link to catalog. SAVE
* installed the Xant 2.1 plugin
* edit the xant.ini and mine looks like this:
input=c:\Program Files\Ant Movie Catalog\Catalogs\Dreambox.amc
output=c:\Program Files\Xlobby\databases\movies.xml
images=c:\Program Files\Ant Movie Catalog\Catalogs\
template=c:\Program Files\Xlobby\plugins\xant2\moviestemplate.xml

* then edit the moviestemplate.xml Mine looks this this.

Thats works and no more dvdprofiler.everytime xlobby starts xant will rebuild the databse from AMC

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