I apologize for being a noob in this area. I had previously used a trial of Cinemar for sometime and never had to deal with bat files or command language of the CX777ES as the plug-in did all that automatically and there was never an issue of UOP or otherwise in playing the discs. When you reference playing around with the command language to find something that will work, I admit I have no idea where to even start in modifying any of the command language shared on this thread to get all discs to work. If I understand correctly, you are saying that the "play" command (bat) language needs to be modified to get the UOP protected discs or discs with the forced previews or FBI messages to play using xlobby. I am assuming that the bat files used to bring the movie up are fine as xlobby has no problem loading the movie itself from the player, but to get it to perform the play function properly. So then the "play 777" event that I created using the command language shared in this thread needs to be changed. Can you elude to, at all, the language you used to get all your discs to work? What would I even begin to "try" in finding a combination that will work for certain discs? Which data is changed and how? It sounds like a nice option to have the trailer play before the movie during the "dead" time, and I would like to get that to work sometime, but for now, I am not concerned about that as much as getting each disc to load and play from the xlobby interface properly. I really like the xlobby intervface, and certainly the "free" aspect compared to Cinemar, but the idea that Cinemar has a "plug-in" that is fairly user friendly stands out as this process has been much more complicated in terms of implementing the CX777ES player. In short, if you can be more specific in terms of how to change my "play 777" event bat file, I would greatly appreciate it and have some direction as to what to "try" in getting all the discs to work. Thanks for your patience and assistance.