I have my music database, and my wife's, as separately defined databases. However, when I use baddabing's excellent skin in pocketpc mode, it gets confused which database I'm navigating through. I had to copy several screens to point to different databases.
SO-- is it possible to code a database as a variable? That is, instead of using separate skin pages whose Categories must define the use of each of two databases ("music" and "dad-db" are what I use-- "music" is the default db, and "dad-db" is the 2nd one), can I define the default "music" database to point to each separate database once? That way, I can use ONE set of skin screens to navigate, instead of having to duplicate ALL of my screens (one set of screens for "music", another set of screens for "dad-db"). My opening screen has two buttons-- "Mom's music" and "Dad's music". Now each button directs the user to separately defined skins pointing to the two databases. I want those buttons to simply re-define the default database.