"Delegate" and "Invoke" are P3rvTalk commands and are unusable to public until i release p3rvHub and ZPd... ill explain those then.
"Call" and "Return" i already tried to explain. "Call" invokes any xlobby event (set of commands) and its called with
EventGroup>Event or
"Return" makes it possible to return from called event in middle (obviously makes sense only when used together with "ifxxx") though it is untested.
"Reconnect" and "Disconnect" are for as name suggest connecting and disconnecting from P3rvHub, these are not needed until i release it.
"CatRetreat" is same as CatAdvance but does catwalk to other direction.
"Init" is to certain procedures which are normally performed at startup... It doesnt make much sense to call it normally... unless u change your events, u need to call "Init" to update events used for "Call" command. or u can just restart Xlobby if u prefer. As far as i can remember it doesnt take parameters.
I dont know exactly why i added "Draw"... i thought i need it... but i guess i never did and just forget to remove it... but it just Invalidates whole screen... actually now that im thinkin it might not even work... no parameters.
"Focus" tries to return focus to xlobby with varying success. no parameters here either.
"Stamp" sets a timestamp to certain field on certain item on certain cat:
its pretty useless cause there is easier ways to do this if u wanna do it for current item. Main reason for this command is setting outside Xlobby... but on last meters i also added it accessible from inside... dont know exactly why. Thing is xPerT provides more services to P3rvTalk than it does for XLobby... including other catwalk operations. anyway if i can recollect correctly syntax is:
where StampField is the field to be stamped, Value/Field/Catpath spesifies item to be stamped. Where Field is the field which value is to be compared against Value and if it equals stamping is done on that particular item... Catpath specifies category where the item is searchfor:
Catpath notation speficies whole path of categories: in flat category called "movies" it can simply be
but if we have database with depth greater than 1. It can spesifie whole catpath from root to leaves: so if we have category "music" for albums and "musicdetails" for songs, then cat path
means that all songs are searched for one which Field's value matches to Value and that one is stamped. but we can also call using catpath
which means that only songs on currently selected album are searched for match.
CatPath can handle any depth since all my catwalk algorithms are recursive. Only problem is that i aimed them for small categories like for videos... i doubt that they can handle big categories with several thousands of items. We already had discussion about implementing Catwalk algorithms in logarithmic time, which would make them able to perform with categories of pretty much any size efficient enough as long as cats are properly hierarchial and not flat. Ive already planned how to implement these... and fastcatwalk algorithms will be available in next version.
DeepMoveTo (another catwalk algorithm) is same as XMoveTo... lots of thanx to original author... but difference is that it handles categories which are deep, AFAIK original doesnt. if i remember correctly syntax is:
Value > Field > CatPath
Where Value is matched to contests of Field in set of items pointed by CatPath. Look for CatPath notation above... also here any depth of categories can be specified.
NOTE: all Catwalk algorithms have two requirement to work:
1) Items in category in question must have unique values in parameter field. (In most of cases this is inherently true).
2) every cat on catpath must exist. But u can use dummy cats, hiding them on never visited pages.
"Stop" and "Animate" are part of experimental feature to make animations possible. more on them later...
"Consume" is meant to adjust how much processor time is left for other processes. Cause screens with heavy use of alternative ways to present categories can be quite heavy. First use your common sense... when starting to play video, switch to another screen, dont display one with lot odf usage to "beforeprevious" etc... If common sense fails u can experiment with consume, allthough not expect too much from it. parameters:
where value is positive int. Default setting is 1. If u increase it. screen should update slower and everything on GUI should take more time... but there should be more CPU cycles available for other programs. If your machine is fast... dont hesitate to experiment with zero. If "Consume" is useful (which i highly doubt) u can set optimal value screen by screen basis.
Whoohaa... done... if something stays unclear dont hesitate to ask.
Theres also sh*t load of undescribed variables... but... let me catch a breath first