If you have a look on my site, there is a file called EXTRAS, which contains girder definition file for XLobby and Zoom.
All you have to do is:
* copy the GML file in girder folder
* load that GML file in girder and make it default
* change the IR codes to your remote
in my GML file, there are 2 EVENTs listed for each command. That is because my remote sends 2 different codes for each button (first press sends 1 IR command, second press 2. command). You remote may not work like this, so you may need only one event.
All you have to do is select the eventstring in girder and press LEAR button, then press the corresponding button on the remote and it'll remember the IR code from your remote.
The GML file is setup so it detects when Zoom player is lounched and then enables ZOOM PLAYER group in Girder and disables XLOBBY group. When you exit ZOOM, XLOBBY group is again enabled, and ZOOM group disabled. That's why all commands are there twice (actually 4 times, since I use 2 more programs which you might not neeed).
Don;t forget to save the GML file!