If sound resources could be triggered to play from an event by their resource name they could be utilised more fully within xlobby.
1. You could link sounds to navigation, then when using an IR remote you would get an audio comfirmation of button presses for such actions as selcect, page down, etc................ the ones that may not respond instantly on large Db's, this would stop users sending the same command twice.
2. Certain overlays at launch could have events linked to them, like an error sound on a confirmation to delete a file screen.
It would also be useful to have a sounds:on and a sounds:off global events in case some users found them anoying or you wanted to flick quietly at night.
A sounds:volume toggle would also be useful so the user could set how loud the sound effects where, this could be set to toggle through 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%