I am sorry for not being totally clear, but your post gave me some inspiration.
does this screen have a category on it of your musicvideos?
Yes, currently the category contains the previously searched results. (I don't store any music videos, just stream them.) So, if I had searched for Dido the last time I was on this page, then the Dido music video names would still be shown in the category displayed on screen. I gotta figure out how to clear that list at startup....
Your MUSIC database or your music video database?
My music database is being displayed, showing only the artist names.
What are you searching for albums or videos?
I am searching for videos by artist name.
What is the input box for, just to show what letters you type in?
Where is this "filtered list"? Your music db on the overlay?
Yes, filtered by artist name.
Why would you need it to populate the input box? Why not just select it from the list and be done?
this is what I needed to hear....I was only thinking of populating the input box and then clicking on the search button to perform a search. What I did instead was, I gave the filtered (music) database an "On Click" event that would assign the artist's name (that I clicked on) to a variable and then performed a search for that variable. Works like a charm!
EDIT:False alarm, it's not really working as I thought....back to the drawing board.
Thanks a bunch, Colby!!