by carlt7 on Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:55 am
I am using Xlobby 3 and have 2 one TB hard drives for movies. I use “DIRECT” for spidering which creates an “item.xml” file in the movie directory. My son is using Xlobby2 (free version) but when he borrows one of the drives to use with XL2 it does not recognize the item.xml file for the plot information. It does use the coverart. Also, when I use “WEB” for spidering with XL3, I can download the coverart but no plot info is being downloaded. I have to use the WEB option for about 20% of my movies. QUESTIONS: (1) How do I get XL2 to read the item.xml movie for the movie plot and, (2) how do I get plot info when using WEB option for spidering movies in XL3. I have tried every spider I can find in the forums but no luck. Thanks in advance for any help.