So if you have an existing database, and you use a category>variable set wont you be adding an item, if the variable and field are labled?
How do you want that I label the variable and the field?
If I try to add a field using category>variable set. it will add a field to the selected item not for the selected database/category.
I will do some more tests because I did use le button>item with my tests to add an item… but I’m pretty sure that you can’t add an item… If you find a solution, let me know it.
I think it should be pretty nice, if we can use as field parameter of the “variables set” command, something like:
Field= item>FIELD to add a new item or modify it in the selected category/database
Field= subitem>FIELD to add a new subitem or modify it in the selected item
Field= FIELD to add a new field or modify it in the selected item
And maybe 1 other variable like:
Field= information>FIELD to add or modify a field in the part <information> of the selected item or subitem
So like that we should able to build a customizable database via the skin with: item, subitem and select if you want add a field “information” or not ( for cover, parameter type etc….)
An other thing, if we can combine these parameter, like :
item>FIELD>subitem>FIELD>information>FIELD so like that we can add or modify an item, a subitem and a field in the part information of the subitem.
I don’t know if it makes a sense. but my principal request is to add a new item