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1. Internal support for xmltv download
I would like to be able to setup and schedule my xmltv download from within xlobby in a way that xlobby is aware of updates to EPG
2. ABC overlay and search support
I don't need to elaborate on this any further, I think.
3. Creation of recording schedules & timers
I propose creatioin of two additional databases for each EPG say "schedule.xml" and "timers.xml". "schedule" database will be manipulated by the user who can create a recording schedule for a given show and define recording frequency (once, daily, weekly, all, new etc.). "timers" database will be managed by xlobby and will derive the timer information after searching the EPG based on the information in "schedule" database. I am assuming here that a tv plugin such as xltv can use timers.xml to create a recording schedule for a given application.
4. Auto-Refresh and Auto-Search
Once Xlobby detects that EPG has been updated it should auto-refresh the database and do an automatic search to update "timers.xml"
5. Skinning improvement
This is perhaps least important for me:
a. Create custom color coding based on the show rating or genre
b. having a progress-bar for a show would be nice
c. Auto-scrolling when the program information does not fit the text-box
d. Being able to turn the channel-logos/channel numbers on/off
e. Change the width of the first column containing the channel information
f. Able to define different font for the first column
So what do you guys think ??