I got this to work........I''l post more details with screenshots later. Suffice it to say the command line is wrong. I went into my FREE XL which was working and my only File Type was the TT command line. I noticed it was set to old path of TT before 2.0...AND the ENABLE box was not checked. So, clearly with nothing enabled XL was defaulting to Windows where I had my IFO file types set to it worked. I updated my program path to TT2.0 and checked enabled it but it did not run. After some tweeking I found the proper command like switch (below). One key thing is you need to check in your SKIN what the PLAY button is linked to in EVENTS. As noted, there are several "play movie" events in EVENTS.....even one called TT Playlists. I found my PLAY button (go to screen, F1 to skin editor, highlight play button, go to event tab) was pointing to the Play Movie Event that contained the Execute command. This is where it should be. Also, one other note that under the Enable check box be sure to fill in Category box with movie.
Command Line Switches:
/AP 2 %playlist% The above works in FREE XL and also new Pre-Release 7 but NOT in the Default Skin. I'm not sure if the issue is that the default skin has some internal override to the internal Media Player or that it is simply the movie viewing screen that it goes to after you select the movie is somehow trying to run default DVD codec. For me nothing happens....just black screen inside the player window when I hit play. I'll have to look at this more.
Very Cool Addition:Also, I've gotten the coverart display plugin to work cleanly in both XL FREE and XL 7 Pre-Release with the above "enabled" TT command line. Credit to S Pittaway & cmhardwick on this....I'm just providing clean-up How-To.
First, go ahead and surpress the TT Splash and we'll use the LOGO below for Coverart display right before and after TT launch. TT Posting on Surpression: Place some jpg file as a default TT logo in your C:\Program Files\XLobby\Skins\{your skin name}\Backgrounds\{name}.jpg
2) Now, go ahead and download the attached zip/DLL and put in your XL skin plugin directory
3) Start XLobby
4) press F2 for the setup screens and go to EVENTS
5) Under Events, find your MOVIE and ADD an Event called
Coverart Display.
6) Add another Event in MOVIE called
Reset TT BMP7) Now, while on MOVIE Event highlight Covertart Display event, then go to right panel find the PLUGIN group, then under it highlight COMMAND. Enter this.............
the plugin will be xCoverResize
the Command will be make bmp
the parameters (%music>coverart%, etc) INCLUDE THE * as this is the serarator that his plugin is looking for. Also verify the path to your theatertek program. You can use the size parameter at the end (the *200*300) if you's up to you...I use *400*600 myself. What this command is doing is placing/converting the JPG coverart to BMP format and renaming to background.bmp that TT displays prior to and after movie (was TT logo). So, the commands look like this (no quotes):"%movies>coverart%*C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD 2.0\background.bmp*200*300" or "%movies>coverart%*C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD 2.0\background.bmp"
8) Now click ADD at the bottom right and if it did not place this command under your Coverart Display event then use your mouse to drag this over into the previously added event called
Coverart Display.
9) OK, now you want to repeat item # 7 above BUT this time we'll be making a similiar command but one that replaces the coverart we setup as background.bmp with some default image....just a house keeping function else if/when you launch TT it will show last big deal if you are always reseting to new one....but annoying if not. So, repeat #7 above adding another new Command but put in the the parameters (no quotes) "C:\Program Files\XLobby\Skins\{your skin name}\Backgrounds\{name}.jpg*C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD 2.0\background.bmp".
10) Now click ADD at the bottom right and but make sure this new command is under the previously added event called
Reset TT BMP11) Finally, go into File Type, highlight your TheaterTek command line and under Enable checkbox use the Assign buttons for Start and End events. These will launch and event prior to and after the TT command string. As you might guess, point the Start to the event called
Coverart Display and the End to the event called
Reset TT BMPThat's it !!! I found this implementation much more reliable.
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