by hjackson on Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:36 am
Ingalis, I am not fully clear on what you are asking., but I'll give it a try...
To mimick a screen (have the server screen mirror your actions on the client) you have to set a button for the mimic event. This command is found at: Setup>Event Manager>Commands>mimic .
To add another skins ppc screens, just drag and drop them into your skin folder (and drag and drop the necessary buttons and backgrounds into the respective Buttons and Backgrounds folder). You will also need to create the appropriate events (ie. "goto ppcmenu" ) for the ppc screens in the Setup if you don't know how to cut and paste the necessary code from the xml files from the Eventgroups folder.
To create your own ppc screens you need to start off in the skin editor with a background skin sized at 240x320 (make sure the starting x/y coordinates are 0,0) for a typical PPC PDA screen. Then build your skin around that background.
"-for telling: this client ppc screen will be with this server screen "
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean by this question. Can you please rephrase it? I hope the other info helps.