by hjackson on Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:52 am
Well the Airpanel is essentially just a monitor for one PC, so you would typically use it in a one PC system where it acts as a touchscreen moniter for the server. Things may have changed, but in the past, the Airpanel, would turn off the output to the "wired" monitor out of the PC. As a result, the Airpanel would be a bad choice if you wanted to watch a DVD movie through the server PC as you would see nothing on your main screen. You could get around this if you managed to get a dual monitor setup working or if your DVD player was external to your PC.
You would not normally use the Airpanel as a moniter for the client UNLESS for some reason your client was a big bulky PC and you wanted the portability of a smaller touchscreen. In this setup you COULD operate the Airpanel AND watch a DVD from the server PC on your main screen.
I personally use a small touchscreen PC (ProGear) as my clients so I don't need a second small touchscreen remote to control the first small touchscreen remote. I have considered the Airpanel for some other server PCs I have where I do not use them for HTPC DVD use (ie. my music server)