Thanks. I have looked at the USB-UIRT before, but I have a few questions/concerns about it. The first one being, I have all my equipment in a single equipment rack, including my HTPC. To my understanding, the USB-UIRT would basically take commands from the HTPC and then blast an IR signal to the component. My concern is that since they are all in a single rack, how do you place the USB-UIRT in a position to send the IR signal to the Sony DVD player? Since they are all in a single rack, I can't envision how the USB-UIRT can be connected to the HTPC and still send an IR signal that would be received by the DVD player or other components without it "bouncing" off something or otherwise. Is there another way to do this, ie connecting with a IR cable or something? Does the USB-UIRT allow the ability for xlobby to control "all" components in a home theater system?
Again, the only part I don't like is to rely on the "blasting" of a signal and correct positioning of the USB-UIRT to hit the proper components.
Thanks for input.