by jmv on Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:03 pm
I can help with some of your effort. Steven actually created 1/2 this capability specifically based on a request I had. The 1/2 that I use is filtering movies by Genre through a button. Unfortunatley with the site crash all that info was I'll summarize again here...
Use the F2 function to get to the Event tab. You then need to create an event using the "Custom Search" Capability. Under custom search you can specify the Catagory Name (e.g. movies)--steve says this is optional, but I think I found it required!...Specify the Field (e.g. Genre)...specify the specifics (e.g. family)
You then use the skin editor to assign that event to the button of your choice.
Regarding the 2nd point (text specify the field that is being sorted)...I don't know if that is possible, but you can display the current Genre(s) of the highlighted movie using the display text as category>movies>genre