by Mannyman on Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:25 am
Believe it or not, some extreme newbies don't know about search when they first start on forums. I just wasn't sure if you were aware of the ton of info here.
I agree that this software/hobby can be overwhelming. You have the perfect chance to help others by documenting everything you can, as you go. That way hopefully the next newbie (like you and me) that comes along will have it even easier.
One of the reasons this can be difficult is that many people have different set-ups, software/hardware, and different goals. You can tell by the different skins where one person goes for winamp listening while another may emphasize rss feeds, weather or running 3rd party apps.
All I wanted was some eye-candy frontend for my home automation program and got hooked. I ended up writing my stuff down in case there is the 1% chance someone is using the same setup I have.
Point is if you look at the amount of posts in this place , I'm sure someone has tried it or asked about it before. Took me a few tries to find what I was looking for too.
Thing is while looking and reading alot of threads , I could see that the tolerance level for newbies asking for things readily available, would piss off the very people that can help you immensely. (Made me gun shy.) Don't get me wrong this place is a lot better than a lot of other forums, and tons of people are willing to lend you a hand, especially if you show that you made some effort.
Anyways (I write a bit much when drinking). What plugin are you having problems installing?
From what I gather plug-in writing = programming. The programming language recommended to you is C#.
I'm no code jockey either, but chances are someone's already written the plug-in you need, just write what you are tying to do.
You have the IR part down with Girder or HIP, do you still need help with Xlobby sending keyboard commands?