Been a long time since used xlobby and forgotten most of it :-/
I am about to embark for a friend trying to set up a recipee database (dont ask!) for her and i have a question...
There will be a main menu with meat, poultry, fish, vegetarian etc. When you click on each topic it will list all the recipes for that particular food group in a meat (example) cat pulling in data from the meat database im going to create.
Then you she can search for what she wants. That i can do.
What she also wants is a search button on the main menu screen which will search all the individual databases (meat, fish, poultry etc) at the same time (particular ingredient used as an example). Want i want to know is it possible to search multiple databases at the same time from within a cat? Hopefully you get my drift???
(i had to sell all my Home Cinema stuff to help buy house hence long time absence)