Searching databases question

V3 help and support questions

Searching databases question

Postby Grooby on Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:53 pm


Been a long time since used xlobby and forgotten most of it :-/

I am about to embark for a friend trying to set up a recipee database (dont ask!) for her and i have a question...

There will be a main menu with meat, poultry, fish, vegetarian etc. When you click on each topic it will list all the recipes for that particular food group in a meat (example) cat pulling in data from the meat database im going to create.
Then you she can search for what she wants. That i can do.

What she also wants is a search button on the main menu screen which will search all the individual databases (meat, fish, poultry etc) at the same time (particular ingredient used as an example). Want i want to know is it possible to search multiple databases at the same time from within a cat? Hopefully you get my drift???

(i had to sell all my Home Cinema stuff to help buy house hence long time absence)
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Re: Searching databases question

Postby lpg on Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:29 pm

Good to hear from you again Andy. The only idea I would have would be to run threaded events one for each category. This would allow the processing of multiple databases at the same time.

So, You need to set up an event group in the event manager if you haven't already done so for recipies.
Add a skin event for each category search
Add a skin event that will run each category search event threaded
In the caregory search event add the xlobby event called run event threaded for each category search you are going to do

I hope this is not too confusing.
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Re: Searching databases question

Postby Grooby on Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:48 pm

Hi Larry

Thanks for the reply...erm may need to dumb that down a bit if thats ok?

Any chance of showing a quick example with pics or just a written run through of an example?

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Re: Searching databases question

Postby lpg on Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:42 pm

Hi, Andy. Marbles (he is now using mediaportal) worked on this a couple of years back. This is a big undertaking but this may help. Here is the link to the thread with a skin download you can loo k at. To write the events I need an example database or databases you place

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Re: Searching databases question

Postby Grooby on Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:17 pm

Ah great, ill have a look...thanks for link.
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