Not sure what could be causing that... I haven't seen that happen.
What resolution are you running it at?
acemt01 wrote:I thought that might be the problem before you asked. I am running at 1900x1200. It is beautiful. What's funny is that only the larger button items dissapear. "play", "que", and those buttons still have the type on them. It's only the Main menu items like "music", "minimize", "movies", etc. I am not having this problem with any other skin, although I havn't done extensive testing simply because I always come back to yours!
Naylia wrote:On a separate note, has anybody developed some good video game pages in Jowaldo's skin. I was going to try and make my own but figured I'd see if anyone had something I could start from.
' Liste of roms files (deflaut directory) :
Rom_Path = "C:\Program Files\mame32+\roms\"
' List of all rom snapshots (default directory) :
Rom_Snapshot_Path = "C:\Program Files\mame32+\snap\"
' Roms Categories (default file) :
Rom_Type_File_Name = "C:\Program Files\mame32+\folders\Category.ini"
' Destination file :
Rom_XML_File= "C:\Program Files\Xlobbyfr\databases\Mame.xml"