Marbles_00 wrote:I think, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, the only reason to really sort them in a particular directory structure, is to help keep a clean system. Again I'm not too sure, but it may be used initially to set up a database (in particular, used to set up the display naming convention), but maintaining it is all in the tags.
Thanks for your responce.
I spent 5 hours with Colby last night on IM, and I'm pretty sure the directory structure DOES matter, (though I still cannot figure out WHY.)
Basically, if all my mp3's are in one folder ("Music"), my databases never are able to be the way I want.
If I sort them into "Music\Artist\Album\Track", I can get them how I want. Unfortunately, I hate this directory structure on my system.
I wish some ex-Meedio users like us could post some skins or tutorials so others can more quickly learn to think in XL style, as opposed to Meedio style.