Marbles_00 wrote:Just curious as to why you are running component to a HDTV set?
Most likely the reason is that the set does not have a DVI or HDMI input. Older HDTV ready sets did not have them. This is the dilemma that the manufacturers have run do they enforce HDCP, and close the analog hole, when they sold so many sets that still have analog inputs, even up to a few years back?
Oh, and Powerstrip may work, just make sure your working (adjusting Powerstrip) on the second monitor, in case you screw up your timing too bad. You can still see and undo what you did wrong.
Sorry it took me so long to respond.
I do have a VGA and HDMI port on my TV (in the bedroom), don't know why I did not try that before. My other issue is my living room setup consisting of a 36" Sony Wega CRT and a 10.4" touchscreen. I have the Touchscreen plugged into the VGA/DVI port on the video card at a res. of 800x600 and the Sony running svideo thru the same card at 720x480 (same as the skin), the sony does have component input but no vga which comfirms what Marbles says. I am going to switch the Sony to component from svideo.
I think bottom line here is I have to reformat my skin out of the 720x480
It does not display right running at any other resolution.
I would like to keep the res. the same on all screens to keep it simple. My touchscreen has a native resolution of 800x600, I tried to set it to 1024x768 but had to change the refresh from 60hz to 70hz to get it to display
So what I am thinking is to just set all displays to 800x600 and configure the skin for that as well, should give me a little more screen real estate to play with.
Do that sound like a good idea????