The power of RSS

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The power of RSS

Postby antipasto on Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:48 am

While XLobby doesn't directly support this with its RSS support (er... yet!) I managed today to link two worlds that need to start being easier to link together!

Using xlstproc to convert RSS straight into XLobby's XML database format. It took quite a bit of glue (wget and .bat files), but here's the screen:


Essentially, this is new video for download on blogs out on the web from the feeds provided by

Selecting a file lets you choose to download or not. Downloads (also by wget, same as the feeds themselves) then appear elsewhere in a new downloads section. I never saw too much of a reason before, but now I had to implement a deletion set of screens!

Lots of possibilities if we all just look a little more forward... RSS is now used for damn near everything. Flickr has feeds, and I'm sure that'll be very easy as well to monitor keywords of public photos.

Also, BitTorrent is a target... Azureus can start downloading based on .torrent files that arrive in a specified directory, it produces XML statistics (simple xslt -> xlobby there), and can be controlled via XML-RPC or HTTP-GET commands (again, a wget or curl .bat file?)

Whatcha 'all think?
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