There are plenty of posts on metamasks. They are regular expressions. You can search both this forum and google to get more info. Here is one to get you started.
Here are my tags. The ignore is the same as meta but tells it to ignore files that end with 2 digits.
MetaMask \\[?<name>.*]\\[?<episode>.*]\.tp
Ignore Mask \\[?<name>.*]\\[?<episode>.*]_\d{2}\.tp
I'm using TT 2.4.1 so I don't think it's sequential file playback that is broken. There is a thread on TT forums where Andrew says sequential playback is only for transport streams. Maybe that is your thread.
You can have xlobby display your info however you want. Xlobby will only be as organized as you are. If you want one folder and a list of files there are many ways to do that. You will need to familiarize yourself with 'categories' in xlobby and their display options. Colby's skinning guide can help with that.