New user needs a few questions answered on setup

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New user needs a few questions answered on setup

Postby Rizlaw on Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:14 pm

I am a new user to XLobby2 (although I am not unfamiliar with this type of software since I have been using Cinemar's Mainlobby for quite some time). I must say I am very, very impressed by XL and even more impressed that the author has made it free software.

With the help of two guides posted on this forum I have XL running with the default skin and the weather and USB-UIRT plugins. Winamp 5.24 lite is also installed.

Now my initial questions are:

1. I use a 24" Samsung 16x10 monitor with a native resolution of 1920x1200. While I have read in one of the guides that XL auto expands to fit the screen, I see that on many XL screens the buttons fall outside of window borders they are supposed to be within. If I change resolution to 1600x1200 everything appears correctly. So my first question is: can the default skin be made to display correctly at my preferred native res of 1920x1200, and if it can, how is this accomplished? Are they any wide-screen skins that autosize to various wide-screen monitor resolutions that can be downloaded?

2. My perferred audio player software is J. River Media Center 11.1, I can't seem to add this player into XL in place of Winamp (although I find nothing particularly bad about how Winamp plays back my audio files). Can J.River's MC11.1 be used with XL? If it can, will someone please tell me how it's done?

Thanks for any help. :D
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Jun 25, 2006 2:12 pm

Postby jowaldo on Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:20 pm

1) It sounds like the skin you are using probably doesn't strech to 16:9 very well, and that its made to be 4:3. Some skins can strech either way, but usualy not perfectly. Its best if you find a skin that is natively made to be 16:9

2)I don't have one of those, so I can't help you there..
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Joined: Wed May 21, 2003 7:17 pm

Postby hvs69 on Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:34 pm

Answer to No.2

Support for J. River does not exist yet.

You have two options:

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