sharp_1 wrote:What if you put the path of the DVD in the parameter sections of the database...will the movie play using the execute command? If so you could just put the path in for each movie and be done.
I still have to do that in order for Theatertek to play the DVD. Here is where I am so far. Useing the info posted by Sunnyvali and yourself, I am able to launch a particular movie in the changer. Here are my issues. I have the event's timer set to a 20 second "wait". Problem is, when I touch play, it will automatically launch TT. Since that instance of TT is looking for the DVD (parameter) and don't see anything, it won't load. If I automatically close that instance (while the dvd changer is mounting a disc) of TT, 20 seconds later, TT will automatically open the dvd based on the plugged in parameter. Other problem. I use Powerdvd to launch HD-DVD's on my hard drive by way of .xpl. When I touch "Play" on a particular HD-DVD, Powerdvd will open it as it should but...20 seconds later, TT will open on top of it. WIth regards to .ts and/or other types of files that TT is set to play, it's not really an issue (other then the wait time) because if TT is open, another instance of TT won't open on top of it. Hopefully my post is not to convoluted/confusing:) Thanks.