erikt wrote:Hey Steven,
To avoid having to re-do this everytime DVDProfiler adds/removes a tag,
why don't you make Xlobby import everthing and leave it to the skin
designer/tweaker to select which tags are used?
Just a suggestion, feel free to ignore!
I agree with erikt. If you can allow Xlobby to access all the ID3V2 tags like it is done for "album", "artist" etc. it would be great !!
All my music (Indian) has lyricist & composers field populated but I cannot access those using Xlobby
While we are at it, one more request:
The artist field in my mp3 tags has multiple entries (separated by comma). Xlobby is currently regarding these as a single entity when I use a filter. So I cannot really use the artist filter very effectively. Is it possible for Xlobby to use comma a as delimiter and parse this field for individual artist s?