I have Xlobby setup to dipslay my recorded HD shows through a category. All is fine. I'm now trying to delete shows through Xlobby after I watch them but am having trouble.
Background info:
I store shows as pvr\showname\show1.tp
myHD breaks up the files into show1.tp, show1_01.tp, show1_02.tp and so on. I have setup metamasks and ignore masks to grab just show1.tp. I use TT for playback and it only needs the first file and it grabs the rest. Playing the files works great.
When I use the event OS-delete, it will only delete the file show1.tp. I still have _01, _02, etc left. I figured there is no way around that (correct me if anyone knows otherwise) so I created a batch file that deletes the files based on args
del D:\pvr\%1\%2*.tp
This works fine on the command line. I try to use OS-execute, but I don't know how to get the arguments out of xlobby correctly. I've tried
category>catname>name category>catname>episode
name and episode are in the db by metamask. I've also tried % around each and still a no go. Anybody have any ideas. Or perhaps a better way to accomplish what I want? Thanks!