I'm looking into using XLobby as a shell replacement. I've done this with Meedio and that worked fine. One of the problems though is that you need a way to start up other programs that would normally be called by Explorer such as a remote control TSR (snapstream, streamzap. etc) and any other background programs.
So I found this hot little program that lets you script your startup environment. It works quite well. It may even solve some focus issues as well since there won't be a taskbar loading.
http://www.team-mediaportal.com/compone ... nfo/id,79/
Again... something I found, not something I did... but check it out.
I especially like this one:
run async "c:\program files\eset\nod32.exe" /WAITSERVICE
run async hide "C:\Program Files\Promixis\Girder\girder.exe"
if not process_exists webepg.exe
run async "C:\Program Files\MediaPortal\WebEPG.exe"
if not process_exists mediaportal.exe
run "C:\Program Files\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"
goto 11
run async RunDll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
goto 3
run async taskkill | /F /T /IM MediaPortal.exe
goto 6
-Each time a user logs on, a bunch of programs (AV program, remote control interface and TV guide retrieval) is launched and then finally Mediaportal is executed. If MediaPortal is already running in background, then it will forced to terminate beforehand. When user quits Mediaportal, the system is put to sleep. When the machine wakes up, Mediaportal is executed again and so on
Since it's not tied to Media Portal in any way, you could easily use this for XLobby.
Combine that with some info from here:
http://www.team-mediaportal.com/dokuw/h ... ize_win_xp
and you have a pretty sweet HTPC.