by steele on Fri May 28, 2004 9:49 am
I was going to use PDAwin as well as I have a Philips Pronto and FS loox (PDA) so have lots of files already programmed. The way I thought I could do this is have PDAwin startup with Xlobby but sit in the background and then have certain buttons within Xlobby controlling PDAwin. So is it possible and how, to have an external application launch automatically with xlobby and then assign buttons to work with PDAwin in xlobby?
I have seen this little setup by Arthur which is very helpful;
Ok, let's start from the beginning (so other new users can do this as well)
- open xlobby
- use F2 key on your keyboard, a new window called "setup" is opend
- chosse "event manager" tab
- click on "add group", a new folder called "new group" will appear in the list. You can change the name of the folder by dubble clicking it (I have to do this a bit slower then normally), change the name to TV. You will use this folder to group all your commands related to your TV needs
- click on "add event", a "new event" will appear in your TV folder, you can rename this one as well, let's call it "open TV"
- In the right part of the window,underneath the "commands" tab there is a list of possible commands you could use. Opne the "os" subgroup
- choose "execute file", now you can use the browse button to locate the application which you want to execute.
The event has been programmed.
Now you have to make a button which triggers the event.
Add a button on any screen you like. (use pause button on keyboard)
Choose event tab
assign event, using "assign" button
lookup the eventy in the "TV" folder and assign it.