I dont know if there is an easier way to do what I did but I thought I would share this anyway.
In my skin I wanted a little window to play random trailers while I broswed my dvd collection and info. (others have done this) I also wanted the option to play the appropriate trailer for each dvd as a preview on command, this is what I did.
f2: I created and event group in my skins folder called trailers, (this will let others have it set up when they get my skin.)
I created several custom events to make zoomplayer behave how I wanted it to.
1st I created the view random event. It executes Zoom player with some arguements.
File= where the zoomplayer exe is located
Arguement= /X:(the X location)/Y:(the Y location)/W:(the width of the window)/H:(the height of the window) /MOUSEOFF/ Q %Playlist%
this will tell where to open zoomplayer and what size. I configured Zoomplayer to use Ultraminimalist skin and made sure that stay on top was checked.
2nd. I added the send message
Class name= TmainForm
Window Name = Zoom Player
Message= 32817
wParam= 143 (which clears the playlist)
IParam = 0
3rd. I added the send message
Class name= TmainForm
Window Name = Zoom Player
Message= 32817
wParam= 144 (which loads the playlist)
IParam = 0
3rd. I added a wait of 100 ms
this allows the playlist to load before it plays
4th. I added the send message
Class name= TmainForm
Window Name = Zoom Player
Message= 32817
wParam= 80 (which plays the playlist)
IParam = 1
Now I had to make a playlist of all my trailers through zoomplayer playlist editor. I saved the playlist in my trailers directory. I then made sure I had random checked in the playlist editor within zoomplayer.
Now I can click the view trailers on my skin and the trailers play randomly in my little window. I can still navigate my dvds while it plays.
As far as each album overlay playing its specific trailers, I made another event and followed chad, and jowaldo's formula in post http://www.xlobby.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=7070&highlight=#7070 Except I started with a clear playlist first.
Anyway I hope you can see what Ive done, everything is working great. Sorry the picture is small and blurry.
I'm tired now I'm going to bed.