Sorry for asking a newbie question but I searched for "mplayer" in the forums and I couldn't find an answer to my basic question about setup.
Could someone please help me get xlobby to play my videos with mplayer? I have gotten very close, but I cannot make the last leap to see actual video playing on the screen; mplayer launches (I see the DOS window pop up for a few seconds and disappear) but no video.
My "File Types" parameters:
Program: C:\mplayer\mplayer.exe (correct path for my setup)
Extensions: pva,mpg,wma,wmv,asf,mpeg,ifo,avi,iso,img,video_ts
Command Line Switches: "%path%"
If I execute the command-line (from a "DOS" window):
C:\mplayer\mplayer.exe -fs "C:\Movies\My Test Video.pva"
I get my full-screen video just like I expect to see. So I know that I have mplayer working and the video file is valid...
What am I doing wrong?
Also, the movies database scanner doesn't seem to pick-up my PVA files as valid movies. Can I configure xlobby to find PVA files? Currently I have two (2) .MPG files and one (1) .PVA file in a my "movies" folder. When I do a scan for the database (via "Databases -> movies -> refresh" or "Basic -> Movies Paths -> Import") I see a dialog that says it found 1 video but it doesn't show the file name and it doesn't find all 3 of my movies. I would be happy to debug the thing, where do I start? Is there an extra parameter I need to add when I launch xlobby or is there a debug log being created somewhere?