Sorry I missed you I was making the new xml first. Its done. Im still in chat. Here is what you do.
download and overright the xml just as you did before. make sure you have the plugin properly installed in the plugin folder
Here is the detailed hibby skibby:
1. download the xoapweather plugin zip
2. unzip it and put the
xoapweather folder into the plugins folder of the xlobby main directory
*there should be a dll file, a readme file, images folder, and examples folder and maybe all within the xoapfolder
3. You can delete the sourcecode and examples folder.
Add my new weather.xmlto your skins>Colbyskin directory overwriting the previous one
4. START Xlobby
5. Hit
F2 to goto setup menu, select plugins tab.
6. choose the xoapweather from the list. and click configure.
7. Setup your configuration of your location and such by adding your local
8. choose US or metric for units, choose 6 day forcast
9. click save
10. Exit setup menu
11. Goto the weather page and enjoy!