Sorry for the delay.
With the XAP3 plugin you can intercept a specific kind of incoming XAP message and create 2 fields with the variables founded in the message. Then, in XL you will be able to use those fields to show texts or images.
If I take your request in example, you wanted to show HomeSeer Device information in Xlobby!
1-To do this you must first tell the plugin that it will intercept HomeSeer Device change messages (class xAPBSC.event). This can be made in the plugin configuration window with the incoming tab (It will change the parameters in the event.xml file) I have already made this configuration for HomeSeer and few other XAP applications so you can download the event.xml file here , copy it on the plugins\xAP-Xlobby\Schema directory and restart Xlobby.
2–In XL, you can display 2 variables named state and text for each device. Go to your screen and create a text zone. For displaying the state variable of a device named light in the location bedroom (location and name are found in HomeSeer), put plugin>xap-xlobby>state>bedroom.light. For displaying the text variable of a device named temp in the location kitchen, put plugin>xap-xlobby>text>kitchen.temp
3-Xl can also display 2 kind of image for each device, one for state and one for text device. First you have to create all the images.
For state images, the name of each image must be like location.device.state.png. For example, I wanted to show image for the state on and off of my bedroom light, I would create 2 images, bedroom.light.on.png and Those 2 images must be in the plugin\xap-xlobby diretory.
For text device it’s the same. For example, I wanted to show image for the text alert and normal of my livingroom alarm detector (location = livingroom and name=alarme), I will create 2 images, livingroom.alarme.normal.png and livingroom.alarme.alert.png
Then go to your screen and create a text zone. For displaying the state image of a device named light in the location bedroom, put plugin>xap-xlobby>image>bedroom.light. For displaying the text image of a device named alert in the location livingroom, put plugin>xap-xlobby>imagetext>livingroom.alert
That’s all …but the plug can also execute Xl commands when a special kind of incoming xap message is intercept. For those who wanted to understand how the events.xml file is made and what we can do with it, you can read the explanation below.
The events.xml file contain a message description for each xap message you wanted to intercept. If you open the file the first description is for HomeSeer Change.
- Name tag is for best understanding but not used in the plug.
- Class tag is the class of the message you wanted to intercept
- Address tag is the address of the message you wanted to intercept.
- Body tag is the explanation on how we create state and text variables. In this example, state=[state] will indicate that the Xl state variable will be field with the state line of the message (it’s the same for text). But if you look forward in the file you will see other line like state=You have [msg] new Mail(s) from [from]. When Xl interpret this line, it’ll take the msg line and the from line of the source xap message and put the values in the text.
- Xlobby tag is the description of the event you wanted to execute when this message is found. <xlobby>goto:goto menu</xlobby> will launch the event goto menu founded under the group goto. Only skin event can be started (those under skin in xlobby events manager)
- device tag is to specify if the name of the device is found in the address (like mi4.HomeSeer.computer1:bedroom.light then put <device>address</device>) or in a specific line in the body of the message (for example, your device name is B2 and you can find it on the line IDNAME=B2, put <device>[idname]</device>).