actually i have to agree with wes, its a bit overkill!
i bet the cpu usage is pretty high and it would probably make my parents dizzy if they tried to use it
sometime you can have to much of a good thing.
it pains me to say it but apple always seem to get the balance right with this kind of thing, sit down and play with apple tv and there is a lot i would change, but on the effects side its just about right (i would have less but that's just personal preference).
the smooth scrolling cats
proper cover-flow (could we have this one soon please?
fading images in/out
nice overlays on the movie player
some of the fan art
I think Wes is right, if i was developing xlobby i would get the foundations fixed first (inc media library stuff) then add in the eye candy (starting with a cover flow:))
My eye candy to do list, would be -
Screen transitions
An apple-esq catogry slideshow (look at apple tv an you will see what i mean) that can be stuck next to a list
Fancy scrolling cats