might not be working, I will look into it
Thanks, I tried but the "variables" are not embedded in the command (but may be we must search elsewhere?
what kind of variables do you need?
It is difficult to say, I'm working to a specific project (K!TV as an EPG drived plugin) but I think that in a generic way, we can need virtually all info that a skin developper can use as example :
-retrieving the "category>XXX>YYYY"
-more specific info (the skin used, the actual screen, the resolution, ...)
- location and size of some specific resource ID (see below)
Another interresting feature will be to be able to be called througt a callback when events are triggered from xlobby.
example :
For a television app like ktv, we can open it at a specific position with a specified size, it will be a good idea for simplifying skin development to only have to create a resource (button or text) on the screen with a specific ID (let's say screenname_ktv where screenname is for example TV).
Then the plugin receives a call back when the user change the screen that will allow to find if the new screen has a resource with the requested ID and then open the application at the same position and same size. So the plugin app can work exactly as a normal button....