I think this is clear example about problem ive been preaching about. Ourplugins dont talk with each other! and freelobby does not really provide framework to promote it anyway.
As far as i can understand Lasse doesnt really need any special use which is not already coded within XWol, now if Xwol could only provide that kinda service to lasses plugin all that would be needed is Lasses plugin to call that service and require xvol as prequisite for users needing those functionality.
perfect scenario of reuse, would be easier for us all really.
Now there are really two possibilities towards more cooperative development. Either we could start together to talk on developer forum about some kinda interplugin interface or we could just do or own part and target our plugins not only end users but other developers in mind and provide access to services which are mayby otherwise internal to our plugin for other developers. I took very small step towards little more open direction with xpert (as u can read on developers board) in effort to encourage others to do same. Theres so much to do before our plugins talk the same language.
By no means this preaching is targeted towards defrag alone... it just happened that opportunity presented itself on this thread.