Hi Everyone,
I have a pre-amp that is controllable via RS-232. I can see that in the RS-232 events it allows you to have a variable there. I put "powertest" as the variable name.
I send a command to my pre-amp to turn it on. I know that the pre-amp returns a value after it executed the command. Does that value get stored in the variable? If so, how do I retreive it to display on a menu. I created a test box with the name "%powertest%". Is this sufficient? (currently it returns/displays nothing to me)
Now for a more complicated question: The system will return a code that is not human friendly. How can I match one of those code to a human-friendly name?
ex. I send !1PWR01\r - pre-amp return TAG1PWR01 - which means that the power is on. How can I match TAG1PWR01 to display POWER ON in a text box?
PS - using the search I haven't found a "how to" for using variables.