CarolinaGuy - I think you need to stop and take a break - you are going way overboard and you don't need too.
The 27 Errors you saw after installing v5.2 of the InTheaters script indicate that the XscriptNG plugin was not configured correctly for the referenced assembly (ie System.Xml.dll) -
Line: 8 - Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'System.Xml’ doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found.
I noticed here that some files placed in the folder from Simplicity Default Skin Files for are older than files already in the folders.
This is not true - the files may be older than
your version of Steven's Simplicity skin, but not of the default skin itself...
XScriptNG has nothing to do with Xweather. I'm running both, as are many others without issue, so something else must be going on.
At this point, I don't really know what to tell you... I think you need to pick one thing at a time and get it working, then save your Xlobby directory off and start on the next thing.
good luck,