I can't remember if answered this in you initial post but I would assume that since you are the zone genius here that a music zoning option will be part of this "masterpiece".
Actually, I had created screens that controlled the syncing and volume control of each zone, and using the zone map. Unfortunately that was when I was using Zoneskin3 and the "old" version of this skin. I am going to incorporate zone control for controlling Zoneskin4. If it doesn't make it in by the initial release, I will for sure be doing a follow up with it incorporated (not sure how many use Zoneskin4, so I'm thinking it is more a personal thing, so I don't want to hold back the release for that reason). Volume control shouldn't change, but instead of sync control, it will be more along the lines of source selection per zone.
The only issue with that is that you won't be able to use Mirage as a server (means Mirage looses PPC control), as if I recall, a machine can't be a server and a client at the same time (unless I screwed up when I last tried it...which wouldn't surprise me in the least, as I've been known to make some incredibly stubborn mistakes).
SWEEEEET, I can't wait to see it and see what plugins you are using. My wife asked me a while back if there was a way to have it work as a karaoke machine, didn't know winamp had a plugin for this.
Yeah its the MP3+G plugin (CDG_Plugin.exe). I made sure and refrenced it in my user document.
As for the image getting partially cut off....works great when extending explorer across an extended display into the second monitor. I can get away with that at work here as I'm using two monitors side by side.