by MFan on Mon Mar 29, 2004 5:08 pm
I haven't done this, only making a suggestion how it could be done. As I said, I don't know how to do this in xlobby. In girder, I would try the following:
Create a multigroup called X10On. In it, put all of the on commands you want (via hsc to homeseer), plus a command to enable X10Off and a command to disable x10On. Have the multigroup triggered by the event 'x10doit'.
Create a multigroup called X10Off. In it, put all of the off commands you want (via hsc to homeseer), plus a command to enable X10On and a command to disable x10Off. Have the multigroup triggered by the event 'x10doit'.
In xlobby, create a button that sends the girder command 'x10doit'. By pushing this button, you should alternately turn your x10 devices off and on. Like the toggle command on a tv, you risk getting the button out of phase with the devices, but a button press (or 2) should get the devices back in sync. When you first start girder, this might act a little goofy until one of the groups gets disabled.
I have not done this because I prefer descrete on and off buttons, but I may test this at home.