scottw wrote:I am trying to show a button using the %zone>current% variable.
I have 3 buttons that are all hidden, each of them with an ID of one of my zones (Music_Player_1, Music_Player_2 and Radio). These ID's are typed in exactly the same as what the zones are called.
I am trying to use the "Button Show" command to show only the button for the current zone that I am in. I tried using %zone>current% and zone>current but neither worked.
Can this be done???
Ok I think I have a workaround that may or may not help someone else.
Basically I am using the VAC setup which uses sources and zones or speaker outputs. I made a zone map and I wanted each zone/speaker output that was active to show which source it was playing from. Now this was built in to the script Scalt gave me but it appears you cannot execute commands on the thin client thru XScriptNG.
I could not use the %zone>current% to call a buttonID. So I left the ButtonID's with the names of the zones. I made an "Event Group" for each of my zones and named the group the name of the zone. Inside each group are events to call the buttons I want to show. Here is my creative part, I use the "run event" command which requires a Group Name and Event Name. I use %zone>current% for the Group Name and the Event Name is just the name of the event in the event group I made.
This way when I call the command to show the buttons it will only show the buttons I want depending on what zone I am in.
This is my work in progress zone map which works thru a Thin Client
I still have alot to add on this but now that I got the method down it should quick
Not sure I like the way some things are laid out but did not want to get to far until I fixed the problem.
Any input is welcome.