I wanted to set (rating) stars on each movie icon in a category, not just for selected one. This appears not to be currently possible. However i deviced a workaround for this. Its not particularly elaborate, but i decided to report it in here anyway. Heres the screenshot from endresult (notice yellow stars on movie covers) :
now what im basicly doing is using wingding character for star. which is «. U have to set a new field to movie database which value is 1 to 5 of that character, and u better do it where your skin set stars for rating. In example dragon skin is used, and in it theres buttons for setting each number of stars, so basicly you go to events and find db>starsX events and add to them one more set database field (where field is name of your choige, forexample tahdet, and value is X amount of star character)
After the setting of tahdet field is done... all there is left to it... is displaying it. Go to the categorys gategory tab and change display text field to %tahdet% or whatever name u gave to the database field, then go to Display tab and do change font to wingdings, also on that tab u do final finetuning like color, size, and location of stars.
Now this is limited workaround... unfortunately u cannot display any other text with category item imbued with stars and stars are tied to single (possibly two if u use edge) colors. Ill make suggestion on feature request but until that gets implemented this is the way to cast some stars.