Hi jpoveda,
In fact I implemented the rules as a "work around" for some very annoying bugs in xlobby (mainly if you opened an overlay twice, your skin was definitly broken). Steve corrected these bugs while I was implementing this so using them is probably useless now).
The principle was that it is quite complex to program with girder, so I wanted to facilitate users)
as an example : the back button, I guess that everyone wants that this button works the same way if we are in a screen or in an overlay. So you can create a rule that allow to change a "back" into an "close overlay" under some conditions. This condition is that an overlay is currently opened.
How it works :
- You can assign for each xlobby command a category (i.e. all events containing a command opening an overlay get "O", all events containing a command closing an overlay :"C" and for the back command : "B")
The plugin gets in its memory the last known categorized event and each time you call an event, test if the combination is in the rules or not :
the rule : O-B indicates that if you call the back event while in an overlay, the plugin will first call the list of event in the line (here only one : xlobby:generic.close overlay) then the "stop" indicates that the original event (back) is not called.
It results that you can use the same button for back and close overlay without using the complex structure of girder