Xant and Movie Sets

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Xant and Movie Sets

Postby msmulian on Mon May 28, 2007 5:41 pm

I am using Xant to import my AMC databases to KISS.

When I select the title of a multi-disk set from the main Movies screen, it goes straight to the first disk in the set, as the Event is set to "goto movie details"

If I then select "All Movies", event "goto movies" I get the disks in the set and can then choose the one I want.

Is there a way change the behaviour so that if there is no multi-disk set, Xlobby goes to the Movie Details screen, but if there is a multidisk set, it shows all the disks in the set?

I have setup multi-disk sets, so that a 3 disk DVD will have 4 AMC entries

Original Title: DVD Set
Translated Title: DVD Set

Original Title: DVD Set|Disk 1
Translated Title: Disk 1

Original Title: DVD Set|Disk 2
Translated Title: Disk 2

Original Title: DVD Set|Disk 3
Translated Title: Disk 3

Thank you,

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