Airpanel or Touchscreen LCD. Do they work?

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Airpanel or Touchscreen LCD. Do they work?

Postby oiskaio on Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:23 am

I seem to remember reading about these a while ago on the forum, but then the forum went down.

So I have a question for all Airpanel, Touchscreen, or Tablet PC users out there....

I finally have the HTPC all set up and ready to go and am looking for a way to control it using XL as a frontend on a Touchscreen of some sort.

Would i have to have a 2nd computer to run either an Airpanel or a Touchscreen LCD? Meaning would i have to have a server to run XLServer on and have the monitor attached to the server which would then send a signal to the HTPC to show a movie/game/jukebox on my Projector?

Or am I missing something and this can all be done a lot easier and for less money then making a whole seperate server?

Thanks for any info.
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