Why is everyone so impatient here about pricing.
-Wes Black
The answer is quite simple. You are using the members of this forum as a no cost resource to develop a product that you plan to sell. If you had to pay a team to beta test and QA your software you are looking at tens of thousands of dollars. I know what QA costs because I sell software testing services for a company that has 2000+ consultants doing nothing but software testing.
People want to know if it is worth their time to help you. What if the price of this product, even with the promised discounts, is still not within the reach of the average Xlobby forum member? Do you honestly expect people to provide free feedback and support for something they potentially may not be able to afford?
Will it be priced to compete with MS Media Center, CQC, Main Lobby or Crestron? I find it hard to believe that you would enter into a business venture without at least an idea of what you thought the finished product would sell for. If you can give the members an honest estimate of what you plan to charge then they can make an educated decision if they want to devote time and effort to your project.
The majority of the members of this forum have been very supportive of Steve's decision to go commercial. The very least they deserve is some honesty in return.