Trailer genre not working for me

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Trailer genre not working for me

Postby bfauska on Mon May 01, 2006 8:58 am

I have created a database with all of my trailers (using the directory that they are stored in and my dvd profiler xml) and when I use it as a source for "play random trailer from db" it doesn't allow me to match the genre up with the movie I am playing it with. I have read the instructions from Steven in the trailers www and I don't see what I am doing wrong. I can get it to play only a SPECIFIED genre but not a MATCHING genre. If anybody has this working I would love to hear how.

I am using ZoomPlayer to play the trailers and the online movie. I have successfully gotten it to play an intro trailer (like a theater logo) a movie trailer and two audio demos followed by the feature, but I like the idea of the movie trailer genre matching the feature genre and I can't make that work.

Thanks in advance for any help anybody can give me.

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