Can Xlobby receive IR commands?

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Can Xlobby receive IR commands?

Postby sdumas on Mon Sep 13, 2004 5:02 pm

I can send IR codes to external devices no problems.

I can't seem to find a way for Xlobby to trigger a command/movement/something when I send an IR code to it.

First; is it possible directly IN Xlobby? (I know it is possible with Girder, but I find it would be fairly painful...)

Second; if so, how?

In the event manager there is a section that says IR but I can't figure out if it is for sending commands or receiving commands.

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Postby Twit on Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:09 pm

As long as u use the usb-uirt which is supported directly in xlobby.

if you use any other reciever you will have to go through girder.
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Postby jmv on Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:36 pm


I use girder to send commands to Xlobby (I had Girder first so I just found this easier). There is an event "trigger" in Xlobby that tells Xlobby to look for incoming girder commands. You have to set the IR to LParam/WParam conversion in Girder, set Xlobby as the target ap, and then send the command, but it works pretty well. Triggering an event through Girder doesn't seem to give the exact same response as pressing a key with the same Xlobby event but I'm sure there are work arounds. If you need more coaching let me know and I can send screen shots and Girder GML's...not at my HTPC know so this is just a memory dump.

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Postby sdumas on Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:24 pm

I was afraid that it would be the answer. (BTW - I am using a USBUIRT)

I guess I'll use Girder to send commands to Xlobby.

The downside, as you said, is that there is a delay in response. Oh well. I'll adjust...

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Postby stevenhanna6 on Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:52 pm

you dont have to use girder, you were on the right track looking at the "IR" trigger in the event manager. What you need to do though is setup some events for whatever you want to do...lets say navigation up/down/left/right/enter....then you would assign an IR trigger to each of those events so that when you press a button on your remote it triggers that event.

To make the IR trigger section work you do need select the right alias and command...those drop down boxes correspon to the "ir plugin" whatever button your going to use to trigger you have to make sure its listed in the ir plugin section.
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Postby sdumas on Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:36 am

... Too easy.

You do have to know what you are looking for though. Since I saw on the trigger screen (first tab) that it said "Not Done" I assumed that the rest was not done either.

Here I did click on Trigger and IR and assigned an IR command to Navigation and ... voila!

Works like a charm.


That just put another string on my bow!!!!
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